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Knock knock!


Hi everyone! It's Wrong. I mean, I am Wrong. What I'm trying to say, is that my name's Wrong. Okay, enough. I just joined the site and thought of saying hello. So... hello!

I've been a webmaster for a few years already. I've owned 2 websites, both of which have been forums. When I got started, I didn't even know what HTML was (I thought it stood for How To Meet Ladies, but, for some reason, I'm still single). Over time, though, I learned many things from reading tutorials and developing new projects for both of my forums. I kind of had to learn - no one would want to join a forum that doesn't look good, right? And to make things look good, some basic HTML and CSS were required. I did learn a bit of javascript and jQuery as well, but I've always been better at graphic designing.

Anyhow, even though I don't currently own any websites, I plan on starting a blog soon. My coding skills are a little rusty, so, hopefully, I'll remember a few things from reading posts on this forum.

See you around! :cool: